Planning Board Minutes

1250 Union Road                                           Minutes #2013-09
West Seneca, NY 14224                               October 10, 2013
Chairman Robert Niederpruem called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Sergeant-at-Arms Joseph Sherman.
ROLL CALL:          Present    -   Robert Niederpruem Jr., Chairman
Donald Mendola
Joseph Ciancio
Gerald Greenan
                               Anthony Nigro
                  Jim Rathmann
                  Joseph Sherman
                           Jeffrey Schieber, Code Enforcement Officer
                           Shawn Martin, Town Attorney
Absent    -    None
Chairman Niederpruem read the Fire Prevention Code instructing the public where to exit in case of a fire or other emergency.
Motion by Rathmann, seconded by Ciancio, to receive and file the proofs of publication and posting of legal notice.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
Motion by Sherman, seconded by Rathmann, to approve Minutes #2013-08 of September 12, 2013.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                            Motion Carried
A public hearing to consider final approval of the proposed 51-lot Clearview Estates Subdivision.
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Mendola, to open the public hearing.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
1250 Union Road                                           Minutes #2013-09
West Seneca, NY 14224                               October 10, 2013
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          2012-A   (continued)
William Schutt of Wm. Schutt & Associates presented the final plat plan for the proposed 51-lot subdivision. The lot configurations had not changed; however, the detention basin was moved to the western portion of the development. The engineering design was finalized and all agency approvals were obtained. Mr. Schutt stated they worked with Town Engineer Jason Foote to advance the storm drainage design and it has been accepted, SWPP documents were completed and accepted by the DEC, a downstream flow monitoring program was completed on the sanitary sewer system and approved by Erie County Sewer District 3, Erie County Health Department (ECHD) and the DEC and the public water plans were reviewed by Mr. Foote, Erie County Water Authority and ECHD. Permits were received from ECHD for construction of water and sewer lines and the plat maps have been stamped by ECHD.
Mr. Nigro questioned if the outflow from the detention basin goes right into the ditch.
Mr. Schutt responded that the outflow crosses under the road where Caldwell Drive and Nancycrest Lane meet and goes into the ditch that follows along the power right-of-way and into the creek near Fisher Road. The length of the ditch will be cleaned, reshaped and re-graded.
No comments were received from the public.
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Mendola, to close the public hearing.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Rathmann, to grant final approval of the proposed 51-lot Clearview Estates subdivision.
Ayes: (6)      Mr. Greenan, Mr. Rathmann, Mr. Mendola, Mr. Ciancio, Mr. Nigro, Chairman Niederpruem
Noes: None                    Abstentions: (1) Mr. Sherman               Motion Carried
A public hearing to consider final approval of the proposed 21-lot Veronica Estates Subdivision.
Mr. Greenan questioned if a negative declaration was issued for this project and Chairman Niederpruem stated a negative declaration was issued at the time of preliminary approval.
1250 Union Road                                           Minutes #2013-09
West Seneca, NY 14224                               October 10, 2013
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          2013-A   (continued)
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Ciancio to open the public hearing.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
Tim Arlington of Apex Consulting stated they had received approval from Erie County Water Authority, Erie County Sewer Management and Erie County Health Department along with design approval from Town Engineer Jason Foote and easements will be filed with the town.
Chairman Niederpruem referred to the five items listed in Mr. Foote’s letter dated September 12, 2013.
Mr. Arlington stated there is no problem with any of the items in Mr. Foote’s letter and they will all be taken care of during construction or dedication of the development. He indicated the detention pond on the plan and stated the homes will be on the upper level of the development. There will be no improvements on the lower level and the detention pond and wetlands will be dedicated to the town.
Town Attorney Shawn Martin noted the town is in the process of implementing taxing districts for detention ponds so they become town owned during dedication.
Stan Wegrzynowski lives on Pleasantview Lane and expressed concern about grading between Pleasantview Lane properties and the subdivision, noting their properties are lower than the proposed development. He further questioned the cost of the homes. 
Mr. Arlington explained the proposed drainage system and stated the lots are 75’ wide but the cost of the homes has not yet been determined.
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Sherman, to close the public hearing.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Ciancio, to grant final approval of the proposed 21-lot Veronica Estates subdivision.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
1250 Union Road                                           Minutes #2013-09
West Seneca, NY 14224                               October 10, 2013
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A request from Prem K Chopra, M.D. for site plan approval for property located at 3705 Seneca Street to demolish existing building and construct new building.
Chairman Niederpruem stated that along with the application the Planning Board had received a short environmental assessment form, a deed description, excerpts of a survey, plans showing elevations and a floor plan; however, the submission is inadequate. The property survey is not dated and the Planning Board requires a maximum one year old survey. The plan shows a parking lot but no drainage is indicated and there is no professional stamp (engineer or architect) on the plans. Chairman Niederpruem expressed concern about the 100 year flood plain which is not indicated. He further noted the parking spaces are only 8’ and should be 9’ x 18’ according to town code.
         Steve Bueme of Bueme Construction responded that he had obtained a variance for the parking.
Chairman Niederpruem stated the Zoning Board may have granted a variance for the number of parking spaces, but he did not believe they would have granted a variance on the size of the spaces. He further stated that concerns were expressed by the Erie County Highway Department because there is no drainage at the street and suggested that Mr. Bueme speak with Town Engineer Jason Foote concerning the drainage.
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Ciancio, to table this item until a proper application is submitted.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
A request from Aviation Consultants of WNY, Inc. for site plan approval for property located at 4500 Clinton Street to construct a 2000 sf terminal building including utilities, demolish existing building and reconstruct existing asphalt parking area including storm sewer improvements.
Chairman Niederpruem stated that along with the application the Planning Board had received an engineering design report, boundary survey and building layout drawings. A SEQR determination had been filed and correspondence was received from various agencies including the Erie County Health Department, Erie County Highway Department, NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and DEC, noting the DEC agrees the town should be lead agency.
1250 Union Road                                           Minutes #2013-09
West Seneca, NY 14224                               October 10, 2013
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SPR2013-08   (continued)
Mary Kay Genthner of Passero Associates, engineers for Buffalo Airfield, stated the two projects being proposed are reconstruction of the parking lot for the terminal building and removal and replacement of the terminal building. There will be 7500 sf of asphalt and they will be eliminating the eastern driveway in response to the NYSDOT comments regarding access from Clinton Street. The western entrance will be widened to allow two-way traffic to make a turn. Ms. Genthner referred to the storm sewer plan and stated the sewer drains to the Clinton Street ditch. They are not increasing the impervious area, but were proposing the addition of a couple catch basins and the existing drainage patterns will be maintained. The proposed building will be 2000 sf, one floor, wood frame with vinyl siding and will be used as office space for the airport. The existing water will be replaced and they will reuse the septic system. Ms. Genthner stated the existing building has outlived its usefulness and has become expensive to keep heated and operate.  The new building will be energy efficient and have more usable space for flight schools and training sessions. Ms. Genthner stated the property is for sale, but no one has looked at it.
Mr. Rathmann questioned why the two drainage structures were proposed at the high point of the parking lot and commented that he thought it was a waste of money.
Ms. Genthner responded they are trying to keep the water out of the parking lot and there is water in that area.
No comments were received from the public.
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Mendola, to close the public hearing.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Rathmann, to issue a negative declaration with regard to SEQR for the project at 4500 Clinton Street on the basis of studies prepared and submitted.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
         Motion by Greenan, seconded by Rathmann, to grant site plan approval for property located at 4500 Clinton Street to construct a 2000 sf terminal building including utilities, demolish existing building and reconstruct existing asphalt parking area including storm sewer improvements.
         Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
1250 Union Road                                           Minutes #2013-09
West Seneca, NY 14224                               October 10, 2013
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Motion by Greenan, seconded by Mendola, to acknowledge that the entire Planning Board attended a SEQR 4-hour session at Erie Community College South Campus on October 3, 2013 and has fulfilled their training requirements for the year 2013.
Ayes: All                                 Noes: None                             Motion Carried
Motion by Greenan, seconded by Ciancio, to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 P.M.
Ayes: All                        Noes: None                    Motion Carried
                                                                JACQUELINE A FELSER
                                                                         TOWN CLERK/PLANNING BOARD

printable version of Planning Board minutes