Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007



The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of West Seneca was called to order by Chairman William Bond on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


ROLL CALL:          Present    -   William Bond, Chairman

Daniel P. Dunn

Sandra Giese Rosenswie

                                                Michael Hughes

                                                Paul Notaro, Deputy Town Attorney

                                                William Czuprynski, Code Enforcement Officer


Excused:       Penny K. Price




          Motion by Mr. Dunn, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to open the Public   Hearing.


          Ayes:  All                         Noes: None                     Motion Carried




Motion by Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Dunn, to approve the proofs of publication and posting of legal notice.


Ayes: All                          Noes: None                      Motion Carried




Motion by Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Rosenswie, to approve Minutes #2007-09 of October 24, 2007.


Ayes: All                          Noes: None                      Motion Carried







1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-083     Request of Seneca Steel for a variance for property located at 611 Indian Church Road to erect temporary storage structures on property.


                   Mr. Bond noted this item had been tabled from last month due to the absence of applicant.  The applicant is again absent at tonight’s meeting.


                   Motion by Mrs. Rosenswie, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to table this item generally.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried




2007-089     Request of George Semetkoskey for a variance for property located at 28 Tim Tam Terrace to erect 4 ft chain link vinyl fence 12 ft into front yard (fence not allowed in front yard).


                   George Semetkoskey, 28 Tim Tam Terrace, stated he has lived at his residence for 40 years.  He experiences problems with an accumulation of snow across the driveway and is requesting a variance to erect a 4 ft chain link vinyl fence to help control the amount of snow.  He submitted photos of the snow accumulation from the October 2006 storm.  There is a 52 ft area between the two houses and 19 ½ ft between the two properties.  The proposed fence would enhance the area and help control the snow.


                   Mr. Bond asked the applicant to detail in what manner this situation differs from any other similar type problem in town.


                   Mr. Semetkoskey referred to the prevailing wind in that particular area.


                   Mr. Bond noted that prevailing winds are common to many areas in the town and the snow would only then drop onto the neighbor’s property.



1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-089     (Continued)


                   Mr. Semetkoskey stated that rather than blowing to the right or left as the wind currents come through, the snow would be deposited in a gentle manner and less difficult to remove.


                   Mr. Bond noted that granting a variance of this nature would only cause other residents with a similar situation to expect the same thing.


                   Mr. Semetkoskey referred to several similar fences on Bosse Lane.


                   Mr. Bond stated those fences may have been erected improperly and he will request the Code Enforcement Officer to look into the matter.


                   Mr. Dunn asked if anything has changed in the air currents affecting that area in the last 40 years that applicant has resided at that address.


                   Mr. Semetkoskey responded the situation has always been a problem but his age makes the condition worse.  A letter from the adjoining resident stating no objection was presented.


                   Mr. Bond asked which side of the house that person lived on.


                   Mr. Semetkoskey stated the left hand side of the house.


                   Wendy Lipinczyk, 22 Tim Tam Terrace, stated she resides next door on the same side of the fence.  The fence is approximately 8 inches from the sidewalk and the land is on an incline.  She is concerned with the safety of children in the area who may get injured if their bike would hit this fence.  She also submitted photos of the fence which she and her husband measured to be 54 inches in height and not vinyl but actually hand made.


                   Mr. Czuprynski asked applicant if he had received notification of a violation.



1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-089     (Continued)


                   Mr. Semetkoskey stated he was informed of that when applying for a building permit.  The fence is a chain link 4 ft vinyl fence, coated green.  He disagreed that the fence was dangerous. 


                   Motion by Mr. Dunn, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the public hearing and deny the request for a variance for property located at 28 Tim Tam Terrace to erect 4 ft chain link vinyl fence 12 ft into front yard.


                   On the question, Mr. Bond stated that the applicant has failed to demonstrate a unique situation that would present a practicial difficulty in complying with the ordinance and he further noted that the request would result in a substantial change in the character of the neighborhood.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-090     Request of David Evanetski for a variance for property located at 100 Kelsey Drive to erect front porch 9 ft from front property line (30 ft required).


                   Gary Saunder appeared on behalf of his father in law, the applicant David Evanetski, who is currently hospitalized.  The house is 17 ft off the sidewalk with a 4 ft porch which brings the structure to 13 ft from the sidewalk.  The applicant would like to enlarge the porch by 3 ft which will bring the porch 9 ft from the property line. 


                   Mr. Dunn asked if the proposed addition to the porch would be replacing an existing porch in disrepair.


                   Mr. Sanders stated that was correct.  The front sewer was redone a number of years ago and the porch has actually turned and is tipping in.  Many of the porches on Kelsey Drive have been rebuilt and are now larger than originally constructed.


                   Mr. Hughes asked the size of the current porch and the proposed porch.


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-090     (Continued)


                   Mr. Saunders stated the current porch is 4 ft 10 in and the proposed porch would be approximately 8 ft by 17 ft.  A letter was submitted with the signatures of residents at 96 Kelsey Drive, 104 Kelsey Drive, 103 Kelsey Drive, 99 Kelsey Drive and 95 Kelsey Drive, stating no objection to the proposal of applicant.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mr. Dunn, seconded by Mr. Bond, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 100 Kelsey Drive to erect front porch 9 ft from front property line.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-091     Request of Charles Deppeler for a variance for property located at 170 Union Road to erect garage addition .5 ft from property line (5 ft side yard required).


                   Chalres Deppeler, 170 Union Road, stated he received a letter from the town indicating that in the course of a routine inspection, it was noted that he did not have a building permit for a garage addition.  It is actually a carport and existed at the time he purchased his home.  His survey dated 11-28-06 shows the carport and he was unaware that there was no permit for the structure.  He submitted letters of no objection from residents at 155 Union Road and 174 Union Road.  The woman on the left side of the house stated the carport has been there for many years.


                   Mr. Bond asked if the issue of the carport came up at the time the house was purchased.


                   Mr. Deppeler stated he was unaware of the issue with the carport until he received a letter from the Buildng Inspector.  Both the realtor and his attorney stated they did not check on that type information. 




1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-091     (Continued)


                   Mr. Czuprynski stated the letter sent from his office was a form letter and usually meant that there was work being performed or the resident was doing something from the property that was not allowed under the ordinance.


                   Mr. Hughes asked if the applicant was operating a business from the premises.


                   Mr. Deppeler stated he was not doing any work on the carport.  The survey clearly shows the carport to be present before he puchased the home. 


                   Mr. Dunn noted there is always a safety concern with a building that close to the property line in the event emergency equpmernt needed to gain access to a neighbor’s house. 


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mrs. Rosenswie, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 170 Union Road to erect garage addition .5 ft from property line, noting that the structure was existing prior to the applicant’s purchase of the property.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-092     Request of Bryan A. Young for a variance for property located at 1220 Southwestern Blvd to erect 6 ft fence (fence not allowed in front yard).


                   Ralph M. Lorigo, Esq., attorney for applicant, 101 Slade Avenue, stated this issue was addressed before Town Board when rezoning was granted on May 14, 2007 for this property.  The Board’s motion to approve locks everything in to the project complying with the revised plans dated May 3, 2007 and submitted on May 14th, and which is the plan submitted with this application.  He questioned whether the variance was necessary since they are not


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-092     (Continued)


                   in the front setback.  Mr. Lorigo indicated to Board members where the 6 ft fence is located on the plans and asked Mr. Czuprynski to confirm where the fence needed to be.


                   Mr. Czuprynski stated anything from the rear of the back building forward can be 4 ft in height.  Anything in the required side yard must be limited to 4 ft and the side yard in this project extends all the way to the back building.


                   Mr. Lorigo stated that the applicant is also the owner of the adjacent property.  The fence is aluminum.  The Town Board requested the fence which is technically a violation.


                   Mr. Hughes questioned the value of the inventory stored at this location.


                   Mr. Lorigo stated there are 330 private storage units and he would have to estimate the value to be millions of dollars.


                   Mr. Notaro noted that there were issues of safety raised at both the Planning Board and Town Board meetings.  This is no different than what is necessary at any of the other storage facilities in town.  Actually this is a more attractive 6 ft fence than what is found at other facilities.  There was a strong safety consideration on the part of both those boards.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mr. Bond, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 1220 Southwestern Blvd to erect a 6 ft fence.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-093     Request of Dana & Pat Mercier for a variance for property located at 48 Camwood Drive to erect 5 ft and 6 ft fence in in side yard (fence not allowed in side yard).


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-093     (Continued)


                   Dana Mercier, 48 Camwood Drive, stated his proposal is to extend the existing fences from his neighbors on the left and right to his house.  The fence on the left at 42 Camwood would be approximately 71 inches, or less than 6 ft, from his house to the post and the fence on the right at 56 Camwood would be approximately 101 inches, or less than 9 ft, from his house to the outside edge of the post.


                   Mr. Bond referred to the application which stated the fence would match each neighbor’s existing fences and asked if it was applicant’s intention to simply extend what those neighbors have.


                   Mr. Dunn noted the neighbor’s pre-existing fences would be extended over to the applicant’s house and questioned whether the neighbor’s fence on the right side ended at the back of their house or continued on the side.


                   Mr. Mercier stated it continues past their side door and he would like to extend that fence to his house.  Letters of no objection were submitted from adjoining neighbors.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mrs. Rosenswie, seconded by Mr. Dunn, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 48 Camwood Drive to erect 5 ft and 6 ft fence in in side yard.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-094     Request of Daryl Martin for a variance for property located at 3720 Seneca  Street to erect 4 ft fence in rear yard (5 ft required).


                   Daryl Martin, Architech, 3625 Eggert Road, Orchard Park, stated this fence separates Pasquale’s from the residential property to the west.  A 5 ft fence is required under the ordinance but the neighbor has specificially requested that the existing 4 ft fence remain.  A



1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-094     (Continued)


                   letter of no objection was submitted from the owner of property at 3710 Seneca Street.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mrs. Rosenswie, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 3720 Seneca  Street to erect 4 ft fence in rear yard.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-095     Request of Bogdan Ilianna Wisniewski for a variance for property located at 251 Union Road to erect accessory bulding prior to erecting principle building.


                   Bogdan Wisniewski, 251 Union Road, stated demolition costs involved with the prior structure have prevented him from beginning construction on the new home as planned.  He had intended on constructing the new home next year, but is now requesting to erect a barn which he needs to store three cars and tools prior to building the new home.  He is currently living in an apartment.   He had also considered remodeling the home that was existing but the structure had an extremely odorous smell from a rotting floor.


                   Mr. Bond noted that because of the cost of demolition, the applicant cannot afford to construct the house at this time but would like to erect a barn instead for storage.  Barns are classified as accessory buildings and it is difficult to have an accessory building without a main building.  That is why the ordinance requires a principle building prior to erecting an accessory building. 


                   Mr. Hughes asked why the applicant could not rent a building to store his items.


                   Mr. Wisniewski responded that sooner or later, he would be building the house. 


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-095     (Continued)


                   Mr. Dunn asked how long the applicant has owned the property.


                   Mr. Wisniewski responded that he has owned the property for a year.


                   Mr. Hughes asked the applicant if he had letter of support from the neighbors.


                   Mr. Wisniewski stated he was unaware he needed them.  He did speak to the one neighbor who had no problem with the barn.


                   Mr. Dunn noted that the meeting notice requests the applicant to submit letters from the neighbors.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mr. Bond, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the pubic hearing and deny the request of applicant for a variance for property located at 251 Union Road to erect accessory bulding prior to erecting principle building.


                   On the question, Mr. Dunn noted this is a main thoroughfare in West Seneca and populated by either residences or businesses.  He understood a house will be build eventually, but did not want to see the area a place for just a barn in the event the house was not built. 


                   Mr. Bond failed to see the difficulty in complying with the ordinance.  Further, this would cause a substantial change to a residential area.  The barn is not a residence and if allowed to exist by itself would cause a detrimental effect on the neighbors’ property values.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried





1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-096     Request of Kathleen Whieldon for a variance for property located at 188 Lyndale Court to allow existing parking area to remain in front yard setback (parking not allowed in front yard setback).


                   Kathleen Whieldon, 4164 Imperial Drive, Orchard Park, stated her disabled sister currently lives on the premises which is a single family structure.  The parking area necessary for her sister to access a handicapped van has been there for thirty years or more.  The driveway is not wide enough to allow her sister to get down the ramp, on to a lift and into the van without a paved area. 


                   Mr. Notaro noted that the town has allowed this for group homes and another handicapped residence on Chamberlain Drive due to the nature of the situation.


                   Mr. Bond asked the applicant how long her sister has resided at that residence.


                   Ms. Whieldon stated her sister Maureen Denecke has lived there all her life.  Letters of no objection were submitted from neighbors at 194 Lyndale Court and 184 Lyndale Court.


                   Mr. Czuprynski requested the Board to put a time limit on the variance to cover the time in which Ms. Denecke resides at the premises.


                   Pat Dickman, 144 Tindle Avenue, was concerned that they would be obligated to remove the pad which has been there for 30 years.


                   Mr. Bond explained that in the event the house was sold, the new owners must be advised that they cannot have the pad.  This type parking pad has never been allowed other than in very unique circumstances such as what is presented tonight.


                   Motion by Mr. Bond, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 188 Lyndale Court to allow existing parking area to remain in front yard setback as it now exists with no additions or deletions and restricted to the


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-096     (Continued)


                   time period in which Maureen Denecke occupies the residence, noting that in the event Ms. Deneck must leave the house and take residence in a nursing  home or some other facility or residence, the pad must be removed.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-097     Request of Richard P. Schunke for a variance for property located at 997 Union Road to replace existing roof sign on building (roof sign not allowed).


                   Richard P. Schunke, 997 Union Road, stated their proposal is to replace the current sign which is wood and weathered with a new lit sign.  A photo of the proposed sign was submitted showing the sign lit for the letters, “insurance”.  The new sign will not be as high as the current sign, but will be longer.  The current sign is 6 ft x 8 ft and the proposed sign is 18 inches high and going across the building.  


                   Mr. Czuprynski noted that some of the variances previously granted are for particular signs.  When there is a request for a new sign, it is no longer the same sign and he has instructed the applicants to come back to the Zoning Board.


                   Mr. Schunke noted the other current businesses with similar lit signs along the road and letters were presented from adjoining property owners, including the residence next door, the owner of the strip plaza and businesses that occupy that plaza.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mr. Dunn, seconded by Mrs. Rosenswie, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 997 Union Road to replace existing roof sign on building.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried



1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-098     Request of Richard P. Schunke for a variance for property located at 887 Center Road to install 8 ft entrance canopy in setback (50 ft setback required; proposal will eliminate parking space).


                   Richard P. Schunke, 887 Center Road, presented drawings of         proposed entrance.  The current entrance is a flat front door and     does not provide protection from the elements.  The proposed         canopy is being proposed for the winter months to prevent the      wind from blowing in on customers.  The canopy is 8 ft long and          approximately 3 ft 10 inches wide and red in color.


                   Mr. Hughes asked if there was enough room for a wheelchair to      access the building.


                   Mr. Schunke responded there was enough room.  There will be a     storm door on the front.


                   Mr. Dunn expressed concern on the closeness to the street.


                   Mr. Schunke stated that the yellow lines on the drawing reflect the           parking barriers so it will come out to the parking lot.  Previously it     was a pizzeria and South of the Border.  The proposed entrance will be to South of the Border.  The pizzeria side farther down did   have a similar structure, but it did not come straight out and the     entrance was to the side. 


                   Mr. Bond noted there was slightly less than 22 ft from the setback and the applicant is proposing to come out 8 ft and leaving 14 ft    between the front and the setback.


                   Mr. Schunke presented a letter from the adjoining business.  He      was unable to obtain a letter from Kone King since they are closed      for the season.


                   Mr. Hughes asked the applicant what he considered the winter       months.


                   Mr. Schunke responded October through February, minimally.


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-098     (Continued)


                   Mr. Bond suggested a six month period of time to ensure enough             time to cover the inclement weather.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mrs. Rosenswie, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 887 Center Road to install an 8 ft entrance canopy in setback for the time period October 1st through March 31st.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


2007-099     Request of Daniel & Kristen Vivian for a variance for property located at 3729 Seneca Street to build within required 40 ft setback.


                   James Whitman, Architect, 13 Folger Street, Buffalo, stated the proposal of applicants is to build within the required 40 ft setback.  The current house on Seneca Street which they are looking to convert to a day care center does not sit parallel to Seneca Street.  It is on an angle and applicants are proposing to build a 16 ft x 30 ft addition to the building.  A small triangular section to the west of the property will fall within the 40 ft setback.  In Phase I it may be a 3 ft x 20 ft space with a bay window that would fall within the setback.  In the future Phase II, indicated by a dotted line on the survey, that section would be approximately 5 ft or so into the required setback. 


                   Mr. Bond asked the need for Phase II to place the addition there rather than in the back.


                   Mr. Whitman stated the existing builidng was a residence where a day care center was operated.  The back yard is completely fenced in and a perfect sized shape for placing playground equipment.  There is a considerable large area to the extreme rear of the property which is heavily treed but is also on quite a slope.  It would not be feasible to extend a playground into that rear section


1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-099     (Continued)


                   which is toward the soccer field.  The applicants would like to maintain the size and shape of the current back yard and not place a 480 sq ft addition and a 500 sq ft addition into that space which would substantially limit the play area for the children.  The applicants are in the process of having the property rezoned.


                   Mr. Bond questioned the effect on applicants if the rezoning was denied.


                   Mr. Whitman stated the applicants are in the process of purchasing the property and the sale scheduled in January is contingent on the rezoning.


                   Mr. Bond questioned whether the variance should have waited until the outcome of the rezoning was known.


                   Mr. Whiteman stated the applicants appeared before the Planning Board which made a recommendation to the Town Board for approval of the rezoning.  Letters of no opposition were submitted from the residents on the left and right of the property.


                   Mr. Bond noted the uniqueness in the situation where the house sets at an angle to the street rather than being parallel to the street.  If the property were at the same angle as the street, it would be 40 ft back.


                   Mr. Czuprynski noted that the side lot requirement in that area is 5 ft.  It would be feasible to decrease the front and comply and still leave 5 ft on the side. 


                   Mr. Whitman noted that the area needed for the day care center for the 16 ft x 30 ft addition to the building in Phase I is 480 sq ft with the bay and 450 sq ft is allowed.


                   Mr. Bond stated Phase I puts the applicants in violation by 3 ft.  In Phase II if it was extended out 5 ft, then it could go back farther.



1250 Union Road                                Minutes #2007-10

West Seneca, NY   14224                   December 12, 2007

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2007-099     (Continued)


                   Mr. Whitman stated they wanted to maintain the existing face of the building.  It could be offset but for appearance sake and ease of construction in matching the roof line, this was preferred.   The roof line could be offset.


                   Mr. Czupryski reviewed other options with Mr. Whitman and requirements under the code.


                   Mr. Whitman agreed that the future Phase II could be closer to the property line than what was originally planned.


                   Mr. Bond noted the application could be amended to allow a variance for what is shown as Phase I.  If a problem arose in Phase II, the applicants could then return to the Zoning Board and the members could rehear any issues with Phase II.


                   No comments were received from the public.


                   Motion by Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Bond, to close the public hearing and grant a variance for property located at 3729 Seneca Street to build within required 40 ft setback, in what is described as Phase I, 480 sq ft in the drawing attached to the application.


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried




                   Motion by Mr. Bond, seconded by Mr. Hughes, to close the public hearing and adjourn the meeting (8:35 PM).


                   Ayes:  All                Noes: None                     Motion carried


Respectfully submitted,



Patricia C. DePasquale, RMC/CMC