Zoning Board Meeting July 22, 2015



West Seneca Zoning Board of Appeals


Meeting #2015-07                                                                                                               July 22, 2015

I.                 CALL TO ORDER



IV.             APPROVAL OF MINUTES #2015-06

V.               OLD BUSINESS

2015-035         Request of Luigi Collana for a variance for property located at 4130 Seneca Street to erect an LED sign on existing pole sign, existing double face sign to remain (sign not located within 500’ of residence; 20sf per side allowed, 23sf requested)




2015-039         Request of Virginia Cole for a variance for property located at 3388 Clinton Street to erect a 6’ high fence on corner lot/front yard.


2015-040         Request of Linda O’Malley for a variance for property located at 32 Circle End Drive to erect a 6’ high fence in side yard.


2015-041         Request of David and LoriBeth Cavagnaro for a variance for property located at 2 Mosside Loop to erect an 8’ high fence in rear yard.


2015-042         Request of Karl Popek for a variance for property located at 192 Indian Church Road to erect an accessory structure on existing pad 1.42’ from side lot line.


2015-043         Request of Gary Schlia for a variance for property located at 23 Steiner Avenue to construct a covered porch into front setback


2015-044         Request of Joel Polino for a variance for property located at 29 Lind Avenue to erect a garage higher than permitted.


2015-045         Request of Scott Rider for a variance for property located at 2464 Seneca Street to demo an existing building and replace it with a new building closer to setbacks than permitted.


2015-046         Request of Paul Creuatin for a variance for property located at 128 Mill Road to allow a 1’-11” side yard setback, 23’ rear setback and 5’ separation between pool and dwelling.


2015-047         Request of Melissa Bader for a variance for property located at 5792 Main Street requesting to park in required front yard setback due to garage renovated to living space.


2015-048         Request of John Crane for a variance for property located at 92 Brookside Drive to demo old garage and replace with new one, with reduced setbacks.