Zoning Board Agenda

Meeting #2016-06                                                               June 22, 2016
I.        Call to order
II.      Opening of Public Hearing
III.     Approval of Proofs of Publication
IV.      Approval of Minutes #2016-05
2013-19        Request of David Shearer for renewal of the variance for property located at 1800 Union Road to allow live music
2016-37        Request of Steven Duckworth for a variance for property located at 81 Collins Avenue to construct a 6' high fence in the front and side yard of the corner lot (maximum 4' high fence permitted)
2016-40        Request of Sean Hopkins, Esq. representing Ebenezer Community Landings LLC for area variances for property located at 4592 Seneca Street for the proposed residential project consisting of 31 detached patio homes and 28 attached residential units  (view revised site plan)
2016-42        Request of Christopher Ford for a variance for property located at 165 East Avenue to construct a 4' high fence projecting 15' from the house to 1' from the lot line (zero projection permitted)
2016-46        Request of Rachel Falise for a variance for property located at 36 Manhassett Street to construct a 6' high fence in the front yard (maximum 4' high fence allowed)
2016-47        Request of Erik Giermek for a variance for property located at 114 Onondaga Avenue to expand the driveway in the front yard setback and construct a carport with no side setback (30' front setback and 5' side setback required)
2016-48        Request of Thane & Michele Hoffmann for a variance for property located at 414 Angle Road to construct a garage with 22' front setback (minimum 30' front setback required)
2016-49        Request of Gerald & Rosemary Rusin for a variance for property located at 237 & 247 French Road to reduce required 100' lot width to 97'
2016-50        Request of Richard Keenen for a variance for property located at 228 Oakbrook Drive to construct a 6' high fence in front and side yard of corner lot projecting more than 10' into front yard
2016-51        Request of Josie Loubert for a variance for property located at 34 Queens Drive to construct a 6' high fence in side yard (maximum 4' high fence allowed)
2016-52        Request of Gregory Showalter for a variance for property located at 54 Maplewood Avenue to allow keeping of bees in boxes on top of garage roof higher than 12' (maximum 12' high accessory building allowed)
2016-53        Request of Jennifer-Marie & Emilio Mancino for a variance for property located at 147 Hillview Terrace to construct a 6' high fence in front and side yard of corner lot (maximum 4' high fence allowed)
2016-54        Request of Eleanor Was for a variance for property located at 117 Sharon Drive to construct a 6' high fence in the front and side yard (maximum 4' high fence allowed)
2016-55        Request of Herman's Supply Company for a variance for property located at 240 Westminster Road to construct a 6' high fence in front and side yards (maximum 4' high fence permitted) and reduce required parking from 37 spaces to 12 spaces
2016-56        Request of Michele & Leonard Damico for a variance for property located at 70 Iris Avenue to raise two chickens
2016-57        Request of Robert & Cleo Smith for a variance for property located at 809 Mineral Springs Road to allow a 3’ high fence in front yard
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of West Seneca will hold a Public Hearing on June 22, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at the West Seneca Town Hall, 1250 Union Road to consider the above applications.

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