Zoning Board

July 24, 2024, 6:00 pm
Meeting #2024-07
Call to Order
Opening of Public Hearing
Approval of Proofs of Publication
Approval of Minutes #2024-06
Request of Embury Holding, LLC for property located at 287 Center Road for variances:
1.) to allow a parking reduction variance for 26 parking spaces (required to have 36 parking spaces);
2.) to allow front yard setback variance of 20’ (required to have 40’);
3.) to allow west side yard setback variance of 0’ (required to have 30’);
4.) to allow east side yard setback of 5’ (required to have 30’);
5.) to allow rear yard setback of 0’ (required to have 30’);
6.) to allow front yard parking to exceed the required 30% frontage threshold;
Request of Amanda Maurino for property located at 212 Barnsdale Avenue for a 22’ variance to widen the driveway by 8’ (30’ front setback required); and 2.) to allow front yard parking (no parking allowed in front setback).
Request of Danielle and Andrew Beilman for property located at 27 Rene Drive for a variance to erect a 6’ fence in front/side (maximum 4’ height allowed in front/side yard).
Request of Dale Steinel for property located at 4470 Seneca Street for a variance to erect a front porch with a roof (30’ setback required requesting 23’ and no structures above 1st floor permitted).
Future meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm