Zoning Board of Appeals meeting (virtual)

May 6, 2020, 6:00 pm



Meeting #2020-03                                                                                    May 6, 2020



I.                     CALL TO ORDER
II.                    OPENING OF PUBLIC HEARING
IV.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES #2020-02
V.                    OLD BUSINESS


 2016-018     Request of Deborah Arzaga for renewal of a variance for property located at 227/229 Pellman Place to allow raising of chickens (raising of poultry/farm animals not permitted)

2017-006     Request of Charles Zglinicki for renewal of a variance for property located at 5414 Seneca Street to allow raising of chickens (raising of poultry/farm animals not permitted)

2019-010     Request of Tim and Robin Stolinski for renewal of a variance for property located at 227 Seneca Creek Road to allow raising of chickens (raising of poultry/farm animals not permitted)

 2019-071    Request of Child Creative Development Center for a variance for property located at 2900 Transit Road to reduce required 10' setback to meet parking requirements

2020-002    Request of Bogdan Wisniewski for a variance for property located at 486 Union Road to erect a garage with 15’ midpoint building height (12' maximum allowed)

2020-008     Request of Dylan Falank for a variance for property located 2800 Clinton Street to construct an LED sign within 500' of residential property (LED signs not permitted within 500' of residential property)

2020-011     Request of Mohit Kumar for a variance for property located 147 Leydecker Road to construct a two family dwelling with 76' frontage (85' frontage required)

VI.                   NEW BUSINESS

 2020-014     Request of John Goodfellow for a variance for property located at 100 Wiesner Road to construct a pool 0' from existing deck (10' separation required)

 2020-015     Request of Christina Renner for a variance for property located at 163 Cambridge Avenue to construct a 6' fence off side yard (maximum 4' height allowed)

2020-016     Request of James Schmidt for a variance for property located at 4316 Clinton Street to construct a 6' fence in front and side yard (maximum 4' height allowed)

2020-017     Request of Young Development, Inc. for a variance for property located at 1220 Southwestern Boulevard to construct 24 apartments (18 units permitted) with an 18.94' setback (25' setback required)

 2020-018     Request of Joseph Milewski for a variance for property located at 319 Collins Avenue to construct a 6' fence off side yard (maximum 4' height allowed)   


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of West Seneca will hold a Public Hearing on May 6, 2020 at 6:00 PM via video conference (WebEx) to consider the above applications.  Should a member of the public wish to speak on the above matters; they are asked to notify the Town Clerk through email akobler@twsny.org or by phone 716-558-3215 prior to May 5, 2020 at 9 AM.