Zoning Board of Appeals

March 24, 2021, 6:00 pm



Meeting #2021-03                                                                         March 24, 2021


I.         Call to order

II.       Opening of Public Hearing

III.      Approval of Proofs of Publication

IV.       Approval of Minutes #2021-02

V.        Old Business


Request of Deborah Arzaga for renewal of a variance for property located at 227/229 Pellman Place to allow raising of chickens (raising of poultry/farm animals not permitted)


Request of Robert Jemiolo for renewal of variances for property located at 3369 – 3385 Clinton Street to: 1) allow outdoor patio seating until 9 P.M. Sunday – Thursday and until 11 P.M. Friday and Saturday; 2) allow an unpaved parking lot


Request of Joseph Jerge for a variance for property located at 4141 Clinton Street to construct a detached garage with a height of 14 ½’ to midspan of roof (12’ midspan permitted)

VI.    New Business


Request of Dawn and Joseph Orzano for a variance for property located at 16 North Windmill Road to construct a 24’x24’ addition with a 15’ backyard setback (30’ backyard setback required)


Request of F.J Wailand Associates, Inc. for a variance for property located at 50 Ransier Drive to construct a roof extension with side yard setback of 5’ 6” (10” side yard setback required)


Request of Megan Brooks for a variance for property located at 137 Greymont Avenue to erect a 6’ fence in front and side yard on corner lot (maximum 4’ height permitted)


Request of Seth Amman of Arch & Type for a variance for property located at 164 Edson Street to construct a new single-family home with 15’ front yard setback (30’ front yard setback required) and 7,150 sf lot size (8,000 sf lot size required)


Request of Kevin Richlmayr and Stacy Greiner for a variance for property located at 4211 Clinton Street to allow raising of chickens on property (raising of poultry/farm animals not permitted)


Request of Shane Swetland for a variance for property located at 68 W. Bihrwood Drive to construct a covered porch with 24’ front yard setback (30’ front yard setback required)


Request of Alex Miller c/o Joseph Lorigo for a variance for property located at 3448 Clinton Street to allow temporary storage of up to five (5) trailers (zoning regulations not permitted in R-60A)


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of West Seneca will hold a Public hearing on March 24, 2021 at 6:00 PM at the West Seneca Community Center, 1300 Union Road to consider the above applications.