Zoning Board of Appeals meeting (virtual)

June 24, 2020, 6:00 pm



Meeting #2020-05                                                                                    June 24, 2020



I.                     CALL TO ORDER

II.                   OPENING OF PUBLIC HEARING 


IV.                   APPROVAL OF MINUTES #2020-04

 V.                   OLD BUSINESS


2013-019     Request of David Shearer for review of a variance for property located at 1800 Union Road to allow live music

2016-018     Request of Deborah Arzaga for renewal of a variance for property located at 227/229 Pellman Place to allow raising of chickens (raising of poultry/farm animals not permitted)

2019-071    Request of Child Creative Development Center for a variance for property located at 2900 Transit Road to reduce required 10' setback to meet parking requirements

2020-020     Request of Chris Rumble for a variance for property located at 6 Rolling Woods Lane to construct a 6' fence off side yard (maximum 4' height allowed)

VI.                   NEW BUSINESS:

 2020-025     Request of Keith and Viola Kilpatrick for a variance for property located at 291 Norwood Drive to construct a 12’x18’ deck in front yard setback (unenclosed and uncovered porch permitted 25% into required setback - requesting 50%)

2020-026    Request of Anthony Parker for a variance for property located at 140 Borden Road to construct a 16' pole barn (accessory structure within R zoning 12' maximum allowed)

2020-027    Request of Sheila Schieppati for a variance for property located at 73 Century Drive to construct a porch with roof in front yard setback (roof not permitted)

2020-028     Request of Chris Freeman for a variance for property located at 3 Summit Meadow to construct a 6’ privacy fence in corner lot (fences shall not exceed 4' in front and side yard)

2020-029     Request of Anthony DeGeorge for a variance for property located at 7 Brook Lane to construct a shed 6' away from house (accessory structure shall not be nearer than 10' to any dwelling)

2020-030     Request of Jane Harrington, Esq. for a variance for property located at 210 Center Road to combine property lines to create one parcel (new parcel short on bulk area requiring a permanent access easement to allow fire department access to bowling alley)

2020-031    Request of Fritznel Theodore for a variance for property located at 3 Taylor Court to construct a 6' privacy fence in front yard (shall not exceed 4' in front and side yards)

2020-032     Request of Brian Budziszewski for a variance for property located at 590 East & West Road to construct an above ground pool with 7’ front yard setback (40’ front yard setback required)

2020-033    Request of Russ and Tara Campise for a variance for property located at 124 Southridge Drive to construct a 6’ privacy fence on corner lot (shall not exceed 4’ in front and side yard)

2020-034    Request of Cynthia Bielinski for a variance for property located at 3924 Clinton Street to construct a 6’ privacy fence in side yard (shall not exceed 4’ in front and side yard)

2020-035     Request of Joe Rozmus for a variance for property located at 675 Center Road to construct a 20’ x 20’ addition with a 17’ setback (40’ setback required)

2020-036     Request of Amanda Smith for a variance for property located at 107 Tobey Hill Drive to construct a 6’ foot privacy fence in front and side yard on corner lot (shall not exceed 4’ in front and side yard)

2020-037     Request of Tim and Christine Trapp for a variance for property located at 48 John Alex Drive to construct a 6’ foot privacy fence in side yard (shall not exceed 4’ in front and side yard)

2020-038     Request of Michael McMahon for a variance for property located at 13 Treehaven Road to construct a 6’ foot privacy fence in front and side yard (shall not exceed 4’ in front and side yard) with 26’ projection off house (10’ projection required) and 11’ setback for in ground swimming pool (30’ for pool required)

2020-039     Request of Meaghan Gorman for a variance for property located at 102 Oakbrook Drive to construct a 6’ fence in front yard (shall not exceed 4’ in front and side yard) and shed in front yard with 3’ setback (no accessory structures in front yard)

2020-040    Request of Jessica Failey for a variance for property located at 291 Casimer Street to construct a 6’ fence in side yard (shall not exceed 4’ in front and side yard) with 6’ projection off house (no projection permitted)

2020-041    Request of John and Susan Yea for a variance for property located at 328 Dwyer Street to construct a new detached garage 1.5’ setback on side yard and 2.5’ setback on rear yard (3’ required setback on side and rear)

2020-042    Request of Greg Ross for a variance for property located at 136 Fawn Trail to construct a front porch with 23’ setback in front yard (30’ setback required) with roof (roof not permitted)

2020-043  Request of Sutton Architecture for a variance for property located at 555 Orchard Park Road for outdoor seating (outdoor seating not permitted)


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of West Seneca will hold a Public Hearing on June 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM via video conference (WebEx) to consider the above applications.  Should a member of the public wish to speak on the above matters; they are asked to notify the Town Clerk through email akobler@twsny.org or by phone 716-558-3215 prior to June 23, 2020 at 9 AM.